2019 war thunder test server registration
2019 war thunder test server registration

2019 war thunder test server registration

Source: RAC - Technical Situation Report No. 105mm T32 shell - The speed of the shell has been changed from 975 to 914 m/sec.The default shell for this vehicle is M77.

2019 war thunder test server registration

  • T25, M36 - A error in the designation of the default AP shell has been corrected.
  • Source: Einbaumappe 3,7 cm BK-43, Marz 1944 // Documentation W127. (Flak 36, Flak 43) - Initial shell speed has been changed from 740 to 770 m/sec. Source: Manprint Analysis of the DIVAD System: Volume II. Sight magnification has been changed from 1.5-6х to a fixed 12х.
  • M247 - The turret traverse guidance speed has been changed from 60 to 90 degrees per second.
  • 2019 war thunder test server registration

  • T-80U - The minimum sight magnification value has been changed from 3.6-12х to 2.7-12х.
  • Centurion 7,8 plate thickness, F.V.231921 // The Centurion Tank, Pat Ware, Brian Delf // Centurion Tank - Bill Munro, 2005 Source: Centurion 7,8,9,10 (fully modified) armour details, F.V.231921. The thickness of the gun mantlet has been changed from 200 to 152 mm.
  • Centurion Mk.10 - the thickness of the additional armour plate at the front has been changed from 44 to 51 mm.
  • M60A1 (AOS) - The mass of the tank has been changed from 47.6 to 48 tons.
  • M8 LAC - Shoulder stabilizer has been added.

    Shot Kal Dalet, Type 61, Type 87, Type 75, Type 75 MLRS - Modification for IR (infrared) driver night vision system has been added.AMX-30 - Modification for IR (infrared) night vision system has been added.Centauro, Centauro ROMOR, Begleitpanzer 57 - The type of night vision modification has been changed from infrared to thermal.Leopard 2K - The type of night vision modification has been changed from thermal imaging to infrared.War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Now the effect occurs in the range between 0.99-1.01 M. The range of speeds on which the visual Prandtl–Glauert effect appears has been reduced.MiG-19 (all modifications) - A bug in the operation of the brake parachute leading to its insufficient efficiency on the run has been fixed.The amount of fuel in the second (in-wing mounted) fuel tank has been reduced. Carburetor behavior on the flight mode with low or negative overload has been improved. Inertia of the propeller group has been specified. Engine altitude and max aircraft altitude have been refined (reduced). The radiator flaps on the automatic control mode supports now the temperatures on the normal operating mode better. The dependence of the engine cooling on speed has been configured. Critical angles and lifting force reducing throughout the entire speed range according to wing blowing has been implemented. By prolonged braking there is now the possibility of nosing over. Contact with the ground point of the fuselage has been recalculated. The rudder operation at low speeds has been clarified (improved), damping at the course has been increased. Cr-32 (all modifications) - A bug resulting to the incorrect alignment of the aircraft which leads to the incorrect pitch control (when using control type “full”) has been fixed.Based on the testing results of the modified mission we will decide whether to rework the remaining helicopter missions in as smaller way or return the old size to the “Afghanistan” mission. If earlier the battlefield was 7x7 cells on the map, now it has been reduced to 5x5 cells. According to numerous requests from our forum, helicopter  mission “Afghanistan” has been reworked.

    2019 war thunder test server registration